Friday, June 20, 2008

Doctor Visits and beating the heat!

Yesterday Chad took our three youngest to get a checkup. We were kind of fed up with the pediatrician we had been using, they kept me waiting for hours and ignored my concerns! So we decided to try the GP that Chad and I have been seeing for the last year or so. Apparently, Nathan is far behind on development and Speech (HELLO! I have been saying that forever, the doctor just kept passing it off as a phase!) and Raven is a little behind on speech. So we are waiting for our referral for a speech eval for both, next year should prove to be a very interesting school year. I am starting to feel intimidated, just a bit!

So today we decided to go out and get our minds off of all of it. Took the kids back to the splash pad at the park and even dig out the supersoakers and we all chased each other around with them. It was fun and a nice chance to cool off in the 112 degree heat! Tomorrow is supposed to be 114 so I think we are staying in!!!!

I am in the process of getting court stuff mailed off (gotta update the court once a year per the guardianship agreement) and getting my three youngest enrolled in the virtual academy. I am hoping this new doctor's concern will get the school to pay attention when I ask for him to be evaluated. I don't want Nathan to have to deal with the frustration that Ashleigh did!

Totally off topic, the mom that hosted the slumber party last week that the girls attended, sent me some pics. Here is one of me picking up the kids, wouldn't you know it, Mack was closing her eyes!!!!

Love and Hugs,


Monday, June 16, 2008

Our Busy Weekend!

Well, the girls attended their first official sleepover!!! I can't tell you how excited they were! They did call a few times (especially Mack!) and Mack did get scared and refuse to sleep for a while (next time she will be taking her nightlight!) but all in all they had a great time!

On Father's Day we all spoiled Chad! We let him sleep until 10:30 and then woke him up with breakfast and a card. Then we washed and detailed his truck while he vegged out watching golf. It was a good day.

The kids all got awards in the mail from school and I thought I would post some pics. Ashleigh and Mack made the Honor Roll!

Love and Hugs!


Sunday, June 8, 2008

A Pool Party!!!!

Yesterday we went to our homeschool group's end of year pool party. A good time was had by evryone. We were all exhausted when we got home!!!!

We actually got Ashleigh and Nathan to join in the swimming fun! For those of you who don't know these two, this is huge!!!!! I could hardly get them in past their ankles last year, and to have them ask to get in with me let alone float on their own is a big milestone for them!
These two are just like Chad, FISH!
Neither Ash or Nay Nay would dunk their heads but frequently asked me to get their hair wet!

Is that a shark sneaking up on Nay Nay? No it's just Mack!

Fearless AJ jumping off the diving board BACKWARDS!!! That boy scares me sometimes!

Ray Ray just being his cute self!

My little diva lounging!

Hope you enjoyed!

Love and Hugs,
